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发布日期:2025-01-10 03:40浏览次数:
本文摘要:Gloomy economic news and the wild swings of the stock market may be getting you down. But at least you can count on this: We’ve entered the sweet spot of the iPhone cycle.差劲的经济新闻和股市的轻微波动可能会让你深感沮丧。

Gloomy economic news and the wild swings of the stock market may be getting you down. But at least you can count on this: We’ve entered the sweet spot of the iPhone cycle.差劲的经济新闻和股市的轻微波动可能会让你深感沮丧。但最少有一件事可以确信:我们早已转入了iPhone产品周期中的最佳时刻。

Since Sept. 19, when the iPhone 6 and its larger sibling, the iPhone 6 Plus, went on sale, consumers have been ordering the gadgets faster than Apple can deliver them. The ripple effects are being felt throughout the economy — and they have been moving the stock market.自从9月19日,iPhone 6和尺寸较小的iPhone 6 Plus上市以来,消费者下单采购的速度就远超过了苹果公司(Apple)供货的速度。它们的影响波及了整个经济,甚至影响了股市。“The iPhone is having a measurable impact,” said Michael Feroli, the chief United States economist for JPMorgan Chase. “It’s a little gadget, but it costs a lot and it seems that everybody has one. When you do the multiplication, it’s going to matter.” He estimates that iPhone sales are adding one-quarter to one-third of a percentage point to the annualized growth rate of the gross domestic product.“iPhone的影响是明显的,”摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)的首席美国经济师迈克尔·费罗利(Michael Feroli)说道。“这个设备虽然小,但是价格很喜,而且或许人人都有一部。


You may not think of the iPhone as a financial powerhouse. After all, it’s just a consumer good — albeit a highly functional, high-end one that you can carry in your pocket or your purse. Sales typically surge every two years when, as now, Apple does a major iPhone upgrade. You may have the warm and personal relationship with the iPhone that Timothy D. Cook, Apple’s chief executive, described on Monday to Wall Street analysts during a conference call. Apple’s next three months will be “incredibly strong,” he said. And he spoke enthusiastically about the principal reason for this performance: “These iPhones are the best we have ever created and customers absolutely love them.”你有可能会实在iPhone能推展金融市场。却是,它只是一个消费品——尽管它是一款功能强大、可以装有在口袋或手包里的高端设备。一般来说每过两年,当苹果发售iPhone根本性升级时,比如现在,就不会经常出现一次销售额剧增。

你也许与iPhone之间不存在一种温馨的私人关系,就像苹果首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(Timothy D. Cook)在周一的电话会议上对华尔街分析师所说的那样。苹果的展现出在未来三个月里不会“出现异常强大”,他说道。他热情洋溢地谈及了这种状况的主要原因:“新的iPhone,是我们迄今为止发售的最差机型,顾客意味著讨厌。”Whether you love them or not, though, it’s a good moment to recognize their significance as a financial force.但无论你是不是讨厌,现在都应当否认iPhone对于金融市场是一支最重要的力量。

The iPhone’s financial impact starts, of course, with Apple, which is reaping enormous profit from it. As the company disclosed in data embedded in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing on Monday, it has been selling a broad mix of iPhone models at an average price of $603.iPhone对金融的影响当然从苹果开始,该公司借此赚了巨额利润。苹果本周一递交给证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)的一份文件表明,它销售各款iPhone的均价是603美元(约合3690元人民币)。That’s not remotely close to the “starting price of $199” that Apple advertises, as I wrote last month. The full price is embedded in service agreements that many customers in the United States reach with phone carriers. And many of those carriers are stating that full price quite openly. The real starting price for a new, basic iPhone is $649, and models with more memory and bigger screens cost much more.这和苹果公司“199美元起售”的广告差距悬远,我上个月早已写出过这个话题。


This price structure is lucrative for Apple. “The cost of building a basic phone has stayed at about $200 for years,” said Andrew Rassweiler, senior director for cost benchmarking services, at IHS Technology.这种价格结构为苹果带给了可观利润。“多年来,基本款iPhone的成本仍然维持在200美元左右,”安德鲁·拉斯维勒(Andrew Rassweiler)说道。他是研究机构IHS科技(IHS Technology)负责管理成本基准较为的高级总监。That estimate doesn’t include many expenses, like research and marketing costs. But it’s a rough guidepost, and it helps explain how, as Apple disclosed in a court filing two years ago, its profit margins for the iPhone are roughly double those for iPads, which tend to be priced more cheaply.以上估算数值没包括许多支出,比如研发和营销成本。


Toni Sacconaghi, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein, says the gross profit margin for the iPhone is close to 50 percent. Because the iPhone is Apple’s most popular product — with more than 39 million sold in the last quarter — it accounts for a disproportionately large percentage of Apple’s overall profit, somewhere between 60 and 70 percent, Mr. Sacconaghi said.桑福德·伯恩斯坦公司(Sanford C. Bernstein)的分析师托尼·萨克纳吉(Toni Sacconaghi)说道,iPhone的毛利率相似50%。他说道,由于iPhone是苹果公司最热门的产品——上季度销量多达3900万部,它在苹果总利润中的比重十分大,在60%到70%之间。

“Apple is now so big that it takes a lot to make it grow appreciably,” Mr. Sacconaghi said. It’s producing an impressive interrelated ecosystem of products and services, including its forthcoming digital watches, its new digital payment system, its revived Mac line, refreshed iPads and new software operating systems. Even if all of its ventures succeed, none are likely in the next year or two to rival the financial impact of the iPhone. “The iPhone is the core of Apple right now,” he said.“苹果现在早已如此可观,要想要大幅度茁壮,必须代价很大的希望,”萨克纳吉说道。苹果正在建构一个不同凡响的生态系统,它由互相关联的产品和服务构成,还包括将要发售的智能手表、新的数字缴纳系统、经过升级的Mac产品线、新版iPad,以及新的软件操作系统。即使上述项目都大获得顺利,在未来一两年里,它们产生的金融影响,也不有可能与iPhone媲美。

他说道,“iPhone目前是苹果的核心。”In a sense, it’s the core of the stock market as well. Apple is the biggest company, by market capitalization, in the world. Apple accounts for about 3.5 percent of the weighting of the Standard Poor’s 500-stock index. And, through Thursday, because its stock has performed magnificently while the overall market has not, Apple accounted for 18 percent of the entire rise of the S.P. 500 index this year, according to calculations by Paul Hickey, co-founder of the Bespoke Investment Group. And the engine driving Apple shares is the iPhone.在一定意义上,iPhone也是股市的核心。苹果是世界上市值仅次于的公司。

苹果在标准普尔500指数(Standard Poor’s 500-stock index)中的权重为3.5%左右。按照贝斯波克投资集团(Bespoke Investment Group)牵头创始人保罗·希基(Paul Hickey)的计算出来,截至周四,由于苹果的股票展现出不错,而股市整体展现出不欠佳,在标普500指数今年的涨幅中,18%是由苹果推展的。而iPhone则是助推苹果股价的引擎。“The market is obviously counting on another strong sales performance for the new iPhone,” he said. So far, it’s getting that performance. And, he said, Apple’s invigorating effect is likely to continue.“市场似乎指出新的iPhone销售业绩仍不会很强大,”他说道。

迄今为止,它的确相似这种展现出。而且他说道,苹果对股市的性刺激效果很可能会持续下去。Because the iPhone is made mainly overseas and sold worldwide, it is stimulating the economy in other regions, particular in East Asia, Mr. Feroli observed, and it keeps a substantial amount of its cash abroad. Such factors make it harder to assess the company’s impact domestically.费罗利说,由于iPhone主要在海外生产,而且在全球销售,它还性刺激着其他地区的经济,特别是在是东亚。此外,苹果还把大量现金回到海外。

综合这些因素,苹果在美国国内的影响就更为无法评估。“It’s not like G.M. having a great quarter,” Mr. Feroli said. “It doesn’t translate directly into employment in the United States. It’s a more complex world today, and, in that sense, Apple is representative of that world.”“这与通用汽车建构了很好的季度业绩不是一其实,”费罗利说。“它会必要转化成美国的低收入岗位。世界早已显得更为简单,从这种意义上谈,苹果就是这个世界的代表。

”Apple, though, is having a powerful impact in the United States. Last month, for example, electronic and consumer appliance store sales jumped 3.4 percent while clothing sales fell 1.2 percent, according to Commerce Department figures. “People are buying iPhones, partly as a status symbol,” Mr. Feroli said. “They’re not buying as much clothing.”不过,苹果依然对美国产生了极大的影响。例如,商务部的数据表明,上个月,电子产品和家电的销售快速增长了3.4%,而服装销售上升了1.2%。

“人们出售iPhone,一定程度上是把它当作身份的象征物,”费罗利说,“所以他们增加了服装的出售。”Even people who don’t buy iPhones and don’t own Apple shares have a stake in the company. I don’t own any Apple stock, for example, but I do have a stake indirectly through my 401(k) account. That’s because mutual funds in my portfolio own Apple shares as their biggest holdings. Nearly every pension fund holds some stock, and these days, there’s a good chance the biggest holding is Apple. And the most important financial lever at Apple is the iPhone.即使没买iPhone也没苹果股票的人,也与这家公司利益攸关。例如,我就没苹果的股票,但却通过401(k)账户与苹果有间接的利益关系。


而在苹果公司,最重要的金融杠杆就是iPhone。All of that helps explain why Apple is such a formidable force, especially at this stage in its product cycle. And as the holiday shopping season approaches, and iPhones keep flying off the shelves, Apple may well keep moving the world.以上种种都说明了为什么苹果有如此强劲的力量,特别是在是在其产品周期中的当前阶段。随着假日销售季的邻近,以及iPhone的疯狂销售,苹果几乎可以之后转变我们的世界。



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